Bible Studies

I have on several occasions been given opportunity to lead worship and teaching services at Westney Heights Baptist Church; Crossroads Community Church (where I served as a member of the Teaching Team); Pickering Standard Church (where I had the pleasure of serving as Assistant Pastor on various occasions over an eleven year period) and at several churches and retirement homes where I have been able to serve as pulpit supply. While I am no longer involved in active teaching ministry, I have included most of my sermons from these experiences to this website so that others beyond my normal audience may see what I had been given by God to say.


I do not believe that preaching is taking the advantage of a captive audience in order to win an argument or forcefully prove a point. I believe that it is an intimate partnership between God and man where God gives direction to the words the man chooses so that those whom He knows will attend the service will hear what they need to hear from the one He has selected to say it. Preaching serves as the feeding of the children of God with spiritual food and also as an introduction for those who are estranged from God to His perfect love for them. It is my belief that preaching should encourage a closer relationship with God on the part of those who love Him and foster a desire to know Him in those that do not.


The Gospel is not difficult.  It is an essential yet simple message of tremendous hope and great joy to all. The goal of my preaching has been to convey the excitement, and wonder of the Gospel to those who have come to hear it.


The sermons listed here, as all material on this website, are intended for personal enrichment and the development of a closer walk with God. If you intend to make use of anything I have said, which I certainly will not discourage, please do so in a way that honours the gifts God has given you to accomplish the work He is giving you to do. Thank you.




March 12: Faith -Keep On Keeping On



October 29: A Response to John Shore



November 16: Devotions, Study Guide



February 21: Cleaned by God Himself

May 16: Seek Refuge in the LORD



March 1: Nothing Else Matters...Give Me Jesus!



January 20: Life More Abundant

April 6: This Was No Accident

May 4: God's Promises

September 7: God's Faithfulness



January 14: The Joy of the LORD

March 4: God is Love

April 1: But What if it Makes Life Easier?

September 2: The Help of God

November 18: The Glory of the Almighty



February 5: Whom Have I But You?

May 21: God Really Cares

October 1: Mercy

October 22: What Kind Of Christian Are You?



February 6: Amazing Grace

February 27: Absolute Freedom

April 17: The Difference

June 12: Jehoshaphat

June 26: Trusting God in all of Life

September 4: God, the Faithful One

October 2: Jesus Christ - The "Sure Thing"



January 4 to February 1: The Real Return of the King

March 28 to May 2: Jesus Christ, My Saviour

May 16: The Bible and Your Brain

September 12: All Things For Our Good

September 19: Oh LORD! How Manifold are Thy Works!



January 12: Our Hope

September 15: Christians in an Unbelieving Age



March 10: It's all a Matter of Perspective

March 24: Palm Sunday: The King Enters His City

July 21: The Goodness of Our God



February 4: Voluntarily Submitting to God

December 16: Born to Die, and Live, For You and I



January 5 to Feb. 2: Who Am I?

January 9: Yield to Jesus

December 10: Forgiveness - Everyone Needs It


February 3 to 17: Building a House that Will Last

February 7: Faith and Counterfeit Truth

February 14: Loving Your Neighbour

March 14: I Will Never be the Same Again

April 18: Faith in the Face of Adversity

May 30: What is the True Treasure?

June 11: Jesus - The Once and Future King

July 18: The Danger of Clutching Straws

July 18: Serving God Without Fear

August 27 to Sept. 5: Getting to Know God

September 12: The Ways of God are Inscrutable

September 22 to Oct. 13: How to Study the Bible

October 3: I am the Resurrection and the Life

December 5: The Ultimate Result of Pride



January 11: In the House of Christ

January 25: The Necessity of Faith to Obtain Mercy from God

Febrary 8: What About that Rock from Mars?

March 8: Come as You Are!

April 12: Easter: The Final Sacrifice

May 3: Wanting and Living the Will of God

May 31: Be Still and Know that I am God!

June 14: The Christian's True Greatness

July 26: You Can't do Away With God!

August 16: How to be an Integrating Christian

August 23: How do You Show Your Devotion

August 28: Jesus Christ: The Servant of God

October 4: The Christian Way of Living

October 14: The Marginalization of the Christian Faith

October 18: How to Make a Difference as a Christian

November 8: When Good Things Happen

December 20: The Stars of Christmas



February 23: Love in the Concrete

March 23: The Conflict

April 6: An Unreasonable Faith?

April 9: Miracles - Fact from Fiction

April 20: What is Truth?

April 27: Physical Blindness vs. Spiritual Blindness

July 6: How are We to Live?

August 31: Who Will do the Job?

October 19: We Rest Upon the Grace of God

November 23: Hope in the Lord for His Faithfulness Endures

November 30: Why Christians Ought to be "Different"

December 28: Let Us Ponder These Things



April 14: Communion with God

August 24: Prayer and the Way of Man

November 6: Obedient Unto the Honour of God

December 8: Beautiful Feet

December 22: In the Beginning - A Christmas Mediation



December: The Wonder of Christmas



A Legal Argument for Creation

A Word on the Theology of C. S. Lewis

Against Abortion

An Ancient Double Standard

Cultural Christianity

If God, Why Evil?

Jesus' Body

My Problem With the Gap Theory

On Imitating the Early Church


The Ark as Noah Built It

The Christian, the Witch and the Bible

The Land that Pharaoh Bought

The Lord's Prayer

The New Jerusalem