What Now?

So, you've read through various portions of this website and encountered the personal expression of faith of someone who devoutly believes in God. If you are a Christian you may have had your faith encouraged, reaffirmed or even challenged. If you are not a Christian you may be wondering "Why not?" or if a better name for this page wouldn't be "Why bother?" You may even be enraged that someone can hold such beliefs in our "modern" and "scientific" age and might understand me as being a man with a closed mind. Regardless, you are now at the point where, whether you want to or not, you must respond to what I have presented here. My desire, as I have stated throughout this website, is that you as an individual come to know God better and that you place your faith in Him if you have not already done so.


It is my prayer that I have put forward a reasonable idea of what it means to be a Christian, of how a Christian would live in this world. If you have questions about my faith, Christianity in general or any other matter relating to what I have placed on this website I am more than willing to discuss them and I look forward to hearing from you.


You can reach me here: Peter Rhebergen